Home CCTV & Security Installation.

The world of CCTV and other security systems has made some major leaps over the last few years, the ability to view CCTV and Video Doorbells on multiple devices wherever you may be in the world has fundamentally changed how safe we can feel in or out of our homes.

Smart Security systems including locks, alarms and motion sensors can now ensure that our household and families safety can be intelligently controlled and monitored, the peace of mind these can offer in an ever changing world is something which we wholeheartedly believe in.

Now that many of these systems can be installed without the need for cables or mains power it has made retrofitting these systems a much more time-efficient and cost-effective process. Obviously if you’re at the early stages of a build or renovation then the correct wiring infrastructure will still benefit your security system in the long-term from a flexibility and functionality stand point.


CCTV Systems

A good quality system can be extremely effective at monitoring the safety of your home, in addition to the obvious deterrent that it provides. Closed Circuit TV (CCTV) systems can vary substantially in price depending on the quality of the camera’s, the storage and functionality of the NVR (main head unit) and various other abilities that your cameras may offer such as night vision and automatic number plate recognition.

What we will always aim to do is offer good, honest advice around the most appropriate measures to take to ensure the safety of your property and most importantly your family. For a chat about CCTV options please click the button below.


Smart Security

There are many different products that one can now use in order to improve the security within the modern home, you no longer need a moat to keep out unwanted visitors!! With an array of Smart Locks, Doorbells, Motion Sensors, Lights, Gate Controls and Alarms which can all be controlled from your smart device or integrated into your home automation system, it is much easier to feel safe in your own home.

We haven’t quite managed to produce the classic cartoon spring loaded boxing glove yet, but when we do we will let you know!!

If Smart security is something you are interested in then click the button below and send us a message.