Multi Room TV & Video Distribution Solutions.


Multi-Zone Video

There are many amazing products available nowadays to facilitate getting the content you want to any screen in your home, the use of HD Modulators, HDMI Matrices, and HDMI Extenders can all allow you to take a source, or multiple sources, from one room and allow you to view them on any of the TVs in your household. The days of fighting over who gets to watch what in what room are over!

In order to achieve this careful consideration must be given to your homes wiring, but once your home cabling infrastructure is verified or corrected this is a great way to keep everyone in the house happy with their viewing options.

These types of systems really can bring a huge amount of flexibility to your home viewing options and even change how you use some of the rooms in your home. To chat through whether this would actually be useful to you and what system would best suit your needs just click the button below and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.